Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)
Period: 2016 – 2018
WASH and Livelihood improvement in the Gedo Region project (WALIB-Gedo) is a 2-year project funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO. ASEP implemented the project in the districts of Belet Hawa and South Bardeere in the Gedo Region, Somalia. For the first 15 months, the project’s activities were realized in 3 IDPs settlements and their host communities in Belet Hawa town. During that phase, the number of IDPs increased dramatically, either for settlements or in transit to the Ethiopian and Kenyan refugee camps, because of the drought. For this reason, in May 2017 WALIB-Gedo project was scaled up, increasing the WASH services to guarantee the survival of the new IDPs in town and providing other WASH infrastructures in 3 pastoralist villages located nearby, and in 5 remote villages in South Bardeere. Overall the project reached 2580 direct beneficiaries and 970 indirect beneficiaries in Belet Hawa and South Bardeere districts.