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Beled Xawa town has long faced a severe water shortage crisis. In response, Action for Social and Economic Progress (ASEP), in collaboration with its partner Arche noVa, initiated the construction of protected shallow wells and water pipelines. ASEP pioneered an 8 km pipeline from the river to Beled Amiin and eventually to Beled Xawa town. To ensure the sustainability of water supply, a public-private partnership (PPP) water model was established, resulting in the formation of the Beled Xawa Water Supply Company (BEWASCO). BEWASCO provides water to Beled Amiin and Beled Xawa residents at a subsidized rate, significantly lower than the cost from water truckers.

Dhool Ahmed Ibrahim, a mother of seven, struggled for years to secure a reliable source of clean water. Without a water storage tank (barket), water truckers refused to deliver water to her home. She was forced to fetch water from distant locations at exorbitant prices. Today, thanks to the efforts of ASEP and BEWASCO, Dhool has access to clean and safe water directly at her doorstep.

With treated water provided by BEWASCO pipelines, Dhool Ahmed and her family now enjoy clean and safe water, significantly improving their health. Previously, Dhool had to buy water at 20 KSH per jerrican. With the new pipeline installed in her home, she now gets water at a subsidized rate of 2 KSH per jerrican. Additionally, she sells water to nearby homes at 3 KSH per jerrican. The income generated from selling water helps Dhool pay for her children’s education.

The story of Dhool Ahmed Ibrahim is a testament to the transformative impact of ASEP’s initiatives in Beled Xawa town. Through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts, ASEP and BEWASCO have not only addressed water shortages but also empowered individuals like Dhool to improve their quality of life and secure a brighter future for their families.

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