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The conflicts in Somalia are at the root of the recurrent humanitarian disasters, including famines, massive human displacements, deplorable shelter situations, health emergencies, widespread poverty, hunger, and exposure to abuse and violence. ASEP engages at the ground level with local peace committees to promote peacebuilding initiatives geared towards rebuilding community life when disabled by tragedy and conflict. These programs seek to help identify community goals and priorities by encouraging citizen participation and creating an enabling environment where affected communities can articulate and advocate for their socio-economic and political interests. This work is done through civic education, lobbying and advocacy, and partnership development. While adopting a do-no-harm principle, reconciliation, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding remain central themes of ASEP’s programming.

ASEP seeks to promote dialogues and grassroots opinions in the formation of administrative structures and bridges the gap between civilians and administration through engaging and partnering with local stakeholder to foster communication and positive action, change and representation of the minority groups. ASEP supports Media Centers that spread and inform the surrounding communities that peace is necessary for the development and the great good of Somalia. The aim of this is to have a platform where local voices can be heard, and oral culture can be preserved through the transmission of songs and other verbal messages.